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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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  || \CCSendAction to send messages for communication
  ||oCCChairAgentCreated by sophie on 21.02.17
  |||\CCChairAgentGeneratorClass CChairAgentGenerator
  ||oCCVotingAgentBDI agent with voting capabilities
  |||\CCVotingAgentGeneratorClass CVotingAgentGenerator
  ||oCCVotingAgentGeneratorTestUnit test for CVotingAgentGenerator
  ||\CCVotingAgentTestUnit test for CVotingAgent
  ||\CCCombinationCreated by sophie on 08.02.17
  ||\CCVariableBuilderCreated by sophie on 21.02.17
  ||oCCEnvironmentCreated by sophie on 22.02.17
  ||\CCGroupCreated by sophie on 24.04.17
  | oCCMinimaxApprovalCreated by sophie on 10.01.17
  | oCCMinimaxApprovalTestCreated by sophie on 09.02.17
  | oCCMinisumApprovalCreated by sophie on 10.01.17
  | \CCMinisumApprovalTestCreated by sophie on 01.02.17
  oCCDataWriterCreated by sophie on 15.05.17
  oCCMainMain, providing runtime of LightVoting
  \CCMainTestUnit test for simple CMain